Benefits of Joining Debate Club 500
Learn how to develop and improve your speaking style by joining Debate Club 500.
The following benefits are:
Learn to speak confidently, logically and persuasively about any topic.
Practice impromptu speaking especially in the rebuttals.
Encourage preparation and communication with members between meetings.
Receive credit for Competent Communicator.
Receive credit for Advance Manuals. Fits well with:
Speaking to Inform
Communicating on Video
Public Relations
Facilitating Discussions
Persuasive Speaking
The first Tuesday of each month is usually a non-debate meeting which gives members opportunities to work on speeches, evaluations and table topics. Our club can accommodate advanced manual speeches that take more time.
Debate Club 500 is one of a few debate specialty clubs in Toastmasters International. We are the only debate club in District 106, Division B, Area 17. Our club was chartered in June 1947 and became a debate specialty club in 1991.